No one could have predicted the swift-moving market that the pandemic created. We’ve seen more sales, higher prices and many new buyers bringing Lake Country Into focus.
The frenzy was hugely emotional as many aspects of daily life was suddenly confined to our Properties. Space became a significant aspect, and lake property hit a high note. Most of us wanted to gather some semblance of everyday life. Now fuel market with low-interest rates and increased inventory, we found ourselves setting records. At Lake Wabamun, we had a record sale of $1,730.00 million, 2 million higher than the previous record, $705,000 at Lake Isle and 1,3 million at Lac Ste Anne. All Records, note Wabamun and Lake Isle were ELP listings.
The bad news is in the last 30 days, we’ve seen property sales drop by ½ since they opened up the Province. Now people are waking up to the reality of real life and having to go back to the office or, in many cases, find a new career.
The bright side of our journey is homeowners now have higher equity and could withstand a price drop. For home buyers, interest rates are still low, and inventory is increasing. This opens up many opportunities for lake buyers that would not have been possible a month ago.
Our staff at Edmonton Lake Property are on top of these changes. They are aware of many pocket listings as well as the stocked MLS offering many buying opportunities.